frequently asked questions
Is this really free?
Yes, SalesTracker Lite is a 100% free product for life.
Is this trial version or free version?
SalesTracker Lite is an official free version. You are free to use it and even distribute it to your friends & colleague.
Do I have to register or share my details to use free edition?
No, you do not have to share personal details or need credit card to use SalesTracker Lite.
Just download, install and get started with the product.
Is this web-based application?
No, SalesTracker Lite is a windows application, hence you do not need internet to access your data.
You can install this on your PC or laptop.
Where is my data stored?
In case of SalesTracker Lite the data is stored on your local pc or laptop.
Your data is not shared with anyone including Spinso.
How much data I can enter, is there a lock?
No, there is no lock for data in the system. You can enter unlimited leads & follow-ups.
How many leads can I enter in the system?
You can enter unlimited leads, there is no restriction on number of leads that you can create in the system.
How many users can I create in SalesTracker Lite?
SalesTracker Lite support up to 3 free users.
If you wish to have more users or features we would recommend you to go for SalesTracker paid edition.
Why this is free, what is the catch?
There is no catch here, SalesTracker Lite is free and would be free for life, we would try and add more features in coming version to help individuals and small business to automate their sales processes.
How about support?
Yes, we do provide email support in case if you need any help in installing, using the application or for uninstalling the application.

Kindly mail us at info@spinso.com and we would be happy to help you.
Can I Upgrade SalesTracker Lite Free Edition to Paid Edition?
Yes, you can upgrade from Lite to paid edition any time as you wish, we would upgrade your data as well.
Please contact SPINSO for more details.
Can I take backup of data?
Yes, you can take a backup of the data as per your need and restore it if needed.

We would also recommend you to maintain the local copy of setup/installer current version of SalesTracker Lite, in case if you wish to install the application again.
Is there a paid or license edition of SalesTracker?
Yes, SalesTracker has various edition like Basic, Standard, Professional, Premium, Enterprise and Custom. To know more see compare editions.

We would recommend you to check SalesTracker professional edition which has features like multi user, sms & email integration, quotation, follow-up reminder, online or offline version, standard support & more.

You can download the trial version of Basic edition, incase if you wish to try SalesTracker paid edition.
How to Uninstall SalesTracker Lite?
1. Open Programs and Features by clicking on Windows Start button in Taskbar, clicking Control Panel, clicking Programs, and then clicking Programs and Features.

2. Select SalesTracker Lite, and then click Uninstall. Administrator permission required If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.